My Story


Hi my name is Mariella Alexandra Sorio from Marikina City, Philippines. I am a Multi-Level Marketer. I am also working as a band vocalist. My hobbies are playing musical instruments such as guitar and beatbox, listening to rock music, watching movies, and reading books. I am the type of person who loves learning everyday whether it's about business, life, or even music. I also write stories and compose songs.


I was at a young age when my mind was opened for a business opportunity. I was really inspired and I realized how important it is to have a business. You have to own one to have a financial and time freedom. A lot of people find a hard time getting it because they are focused only on their work, and work won't give you the financial and time freedom that you want. It will just feed you for a day, or for a short time.

On my first year of doing my business (network marketing), I struggled! I faced so many rejections. A lot of money was wasted, and so as time. I experienced talking to people whom I don't know, having a survey, posting stickers on jeepneys and electrical post, giving out flyers even on a really sunny day. It was very tiring.


After experiencing all the hardships, I paused doing my business. Yes paused! Not quit! I paused to sharpen my self, my skills, and my mind so that when I'm ready, it will be much easier for me to do the business than before. I met a man on the internet. His name is Eduard Reformina, an internet marketing coach. He taught me lots of things about the business and thanks to him.

I learned two very important skills. FIRST, how to generate endless number of highly qualified prospects and SECOND, I learned how to attract prospects to me instead of me chasing and hunting them down. These two things helped me a lot to avoid going back to what I did before and fail again. Learning a lot isn't enough. You have to apply what you've learned for you to fully understand it, and so I did it. Now, it's a way lot easier for me to do the business and I'm on my way to TIME and FINANCIAL FREEDOM.


"As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, as good managers of the grace of God in various forms." 

 -  1 Peter 4:10
I believe in this verse that's why I'm lending out my hand to those who asks help from me. I am very much willing to share my knowledge to you to inspire, empower, and to BRING OUT THE BEST IN YOU!

 If you are ready to find your success, Go ahead to

P.S.  Be updated of my new thoughts and ideas to be shared by Liking my Facebook Fan Page Here